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Code of Conduct

In order to provide a pleasant environment for all of the residents of Union County, the following forms of conduct are prohibited in the Union County Library System facilities and spaces:

  • Disruptive, disturbing, or overly loud conversations

  • Listening to audio equipment without earphones

  • Smoking, tobacco products or use or possession of alcoholic beverages or drugs on the premises

  • Use of restrooms for meetings, loitering or other inappropriate purposes

  • Use of library telephones without permission

  • Soliciting, selling of any kind, political campaigning, or distribution of leaflets not specifically approved by the library director

  • Presence in a non-public area without permission

  • Theft, destruction or defacement of library property, books, or other materials

  • Loud, rude or disorderly conduct as determined by staff

  • Improper dress (shoes and shirts are required)

  • Refusal to leave the library at the designated closing time 

  • Disregard of fire regulations

  • Possession of concealable weapons, whether concealed or openly carried

  • Violation of local, state, or federal laws


Adults should not be in the children’s area unless accompanying a child or browsing for materials. Adults considered to be loitering in the children’s area will be asked to move to another portion of the library.


The slide is restricted to children ages 2 – 12 and with a maximum weight of 140 lbs.


The library reserves the right to expel any person whose behavior is disruptive or whose actions interfere with the use of the library by other patrons.


300 E. South St, Union, SC 29379

(864) 427-7140


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